Last week the team from Tunbridge Wells travelled to the 8th ITF World Cup in Koper, Slovenia. We were a small team of 7 athletes and 3 supporters, with 6 out of the 7 competing in their first World Cup.
Although not everyone medalled I think everyone had a great experience and gave everthing they had and had a lot of fun as well.
For such a small team we did amazingly well getting 1 gold, 3 silver and 4 bronze medals. A special mention should go to Luke Forte, now World Cup Champion! A fantastic performance that had the crowd clapping and cheering.
Congratulations to
Luke Forte – Gold – Special Technique, bronze – Sparring
Naomi Sweeney – Silver – Power test, silver – patterns, bronze – sparring
Donna Rye – Silver – Sparring, bronze – patterns
Jake Smith – Bronze – sparring
Thanks to the supporters who came and cheered the team on and made it possible for the junior members. Thanks to the coaches who worked hard to make sure everyone was represented on the mats and worked hard behind the scenes.
And a special thanks to our sponsors and fundraisers. We had tracksuits, t-shirts, doboks and safety equipment all provided by
Supervene Architects
West Kent Freemasons
and of course all of our Tunbridge Wells Taekwon-Do family, past and present that donated so generously to our GoFundMe page.
Thanks to Times of Tunbridge Wells and West Kent Radio for the coverage before the event.